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Preparing For Your Colonic - Colonic After Care

Writer: Clean Start  CleansingClean Start Cleansing

Start preparing for your session at least 48 hours in advance.

Make sure you're well-hydrated at least a day before your appointment. Hydration varies by person, but we recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces. In addition to water, fluids from herbal teas, fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy soups count toward your daily intake.

If possible, try to have your drinks room temperature or warm.

What should I eat before my appointment?

Eat a light, healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. This helps to prepare the digestive tract for elimination and detoxification. Avoid heavy meals, such as processed foods, and over-eating at least 48-hours in advance.

Unless you are on a medically prescribed diet, STOP EATING 2 HR BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT.

Should I take any supplements?

You can drink ginger tea to settle your stomach and improve comfort during the session.

You can take magnesium the night before and the day of your appointment to help relax the colon muscles and prevent cramping during the session.

What about an herbal cleanse with my Colonic?

Coordinating an herbal or nutritional cleanse with your colonic is a great way to start. Colonics are the perfect complement to almost any detoxification or cleansing program.



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